Server Fee

For TikTok and Douyin, we apply server fees when you reach a certain amount of coins each month. Since the platforms does not have a publicly available API, we use a browser on the server to read every event data that appears on your live stream and then send it to the application on your PC. This means that if the user uses the application intensely, the resources on the server will run out. The server fee will only affect users who have a large income, users with a small income need not worry.

How It Works
  1. User start live stream
  2. User open Total Disturber app
  3. Total Disturber try to connect to user's live stream
    1. Application call the server to open customized browser
    2. Server open customized browser and open user's live stream
    3. Customized browser observe events that occur, such as comments, likes, etc.
    4. After getting the data, the server calls back the application
    5. The application take action according to the event received
  4. The more events that are sent, the more resources the server requires
  • Coins counter will be reset every month
  • You will be billed at the end of the month
  • You can't connect if you haven't paid the fee
  • The server cost price remains the same according to the tier reached
Server Fee
  1. Tier 1
    • Reached 50,000 coins, equals $250.00 USD per month
    • $7.50 USD — only 3% of your total income
  2. Tier 2
    • Reached 100,000 coins, equals $500.00 USD per month
    • $15.00 USD — only 3% of your total income
  3. Tier 3
    • Reached 200,000 coins, equals $1,000.00 USD per month
    • $30.00 USD — only 3% of your total income